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Trekking Thru the Trees

Hike in the woods with a Cedar Ridge guide. Learn how pioneers of the past lived off the land. Notice the different types of trees. Use our pocket guide to identify animal tracks placed in the woods, then take it home to use on your next adventure.


Build confidence and skills while using proper paddle techniques. Race your classmates around the lake. Life jackets and certified supervision are provided.

Kentucky's Unknown Ocean

Handle genuine fossils from the creeks of Cedar Ridge. Learn about the ocean that once covered this land. Identify various species. Make your own cast of a brachiopod.

Settler's Toys

Fashion a hand-crafted doll from corn husk. Learn about the games and activities of children from the past. See how similar we are to the kids of two centuries ago.


Climb aboard a wagon full of hay and enjoy the great outdoors. Sing a song or be the first to spot a deer or Blue Heron. Pretend you’re a pioneer in a covered wagon on the way to your new homestead.

Bug Safari

Gather around our awesome bug collection and learn about the good, bad and ugly of insects. Go on a bug hunt in our natural habitat and look for bugs in season. See how insects change throughout the year.


Try your skills with an old fashioned cane pole and meal worm. Learn which breeds of fish live in our lake. Watch out for the giant grass-eating carp. Practice safety while using hooks and tools. Win an award for catching a fish!


Experience the old and new of a valued sport. The archery range provides many levels of difficulty and success. Arm guards and qualified instruction are provided. Win an award for hitting the bulls-eye!

Native People of KY

Go inside our authentic teepee and take a historic peek at a Native American's daily life. Make your own Cherokee basket game— it’s yours to keep!

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